Spine Diseases



Degenerative Disc

Degenerative disc disease is when normal changes that take place in the discs of your spine cause pain. Spinal discs are like shock absorbers between the vertebra, or bones of your spine. They help your back stay flexible , so you can bend and twist. As you get older, they can shows signs of wear and tear. They begin to break down and may not work as well.



Disc Bulging

Bulging disc occur when the spongy discs between the vertebra become compressed and bulge out. A common cause of bulging discs is aging. If this degradation continues, it can lead to a herniated disc. Herniated discs can cause pain, numbness, and mobility issues.


Disc Slip

A Slipped disc often causes sudden, severe  lower back pain. The disc often presses on a nerve root which can cause pain and other symptoms ease off gradually over several weeks.




Sciatica is nerve pain from an injury or irritation to the sciatic nerve, which originates in your buttock / gluteal area. The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the body.



“Spondylitis” means inflammation in your spinal bones, or vertebra. Severe causes can leave your spine hunched. There is cure of spondylitis with only homeopathic medicines.

Muscle Sprains

A muscle sprain is a sudden, involuntary movement in one or more muscle. People may also call it a charley horse or muscle cramp or twitch. These movements can happen in any muscle of the body, and they are very common leg. Muscle sprain often occur as a result of stress, exercise, or dehydration.




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Spine Diseases

Degenerative Disc

Disc Bulging

Disc Slip



Muscle Sprains




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